Losing sight of me

Gauri Joshi
2 min readNov 19, 2023
Trapped in company

I don’t know who I am

I’m given a lot of names

But so is God

But I am no God

I am a confused human, named after one.

I’m me because of sheer chance and privilege.

Awards fool us that we really deserve what we have

As I prick out the remenants of broken glass from the red fist in my chest

It all makes sense as my vision goes blurry

When I saw the world, I stopped seeing myself

I was losing sight of me

One person at a time

I was deafened by noise

Of people trying to define me

I ask again and again — why do you want to change me?

Is it to make me better or make me fit?

And who shaped me, in the first place?

Can a building build itself

Seems, humans need to be responsible for their maintainance after 18

For women, until they’re married in India

Growing up, marriage was a dream

And when my eyes were filled with blood

As I pricked each glass piece out

I realised

I was escaping myself

But where will I go

When he is locked in with me in the same room?

We will have a family

Or a baby


One day

When it’s dark

When all have left

I will have to face me

(This is so scary, that I would rather call in someone else into the room. But for how long? Maybe till the last breath. That’s how we escape life, anyway)

Until then,

Like the rest of the world

I will douse in drugs and luxury

And keep losing sight of me.

